Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Step Into My Shoes

Allow me to take the liberty of saying that the embouchure of the Oboe player is probably the most difficult and painful embouchure of most instruments. Perhaps it is the French Horn. I don't particularly know, but I do know that playing the oboe is more difficult than the flute, clarinet, saxophone, and most brass instruments. I can absolutely assure you that playing the oboe takes more effort than playing percussion (no offense, but I'm being honest). And I'm pretty sure it is more physically exerting than playing a string instrument. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm taking a lot of liberties here.

Even if it were more difficult to play, say, the cello, someone who plays the cello has no right to criticize someone who plays a wind instrument. PERIOD. END OF STORY. Yes?

There's this person who plays the cello, in case you didn't figure that out. I play the oboe. My school does this symphonic orchestra where a few of the wind and brass players join in with the orchestra to play a few selections during out winter concert. This cello player feels the need to talk about the band members as if we are all inadequate. And sure, he's a pretty awesome cellist. Oh, he knows it. EVERYONE knows it. And he makes sure. But everyone is offended.
Beyond offended. Especially me.

Well, not exactly especially me. But I like to voice my anger. I don't hold it in.
That's why I left the school screaming "I'M IN A RAGE" with my best friend.

In conclusion, arrogant assholes make me mad. The end.

I'm just saying.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cheaters Never Prosper

Or do they? You know, if a cheater is never caught, who can he hurt? Oh, let's see... everyone in the class who ranks below him. That could be one scholarship someone doesn't get. That could be one college that turns someone down. That could be one person who was going to be in the top ten, but just misses it. That could be a curve set that only benefits one person: that cheater.

Merriam Webster's definition of "cheat:"
1. To deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud.
2. To influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice.

"Let's face it, most people who rank that high cheat." So said one of my friends today. I suppose he's right. I just like to think highly of those people I call my friends. I have never cheated on a test. I share answers on homework and thoughts on issues with my friends, yeah. We explain the answers and teach each other.

I am angry at people who cheat--that they get away with it, hurt others who actually put in the effort...

Yes, there is a story behind this. I recently found out that a kid in my one of my A.P. classes cheated on the semester exam. You'd think he wouldn't have missed any, right? Nah, he missed 5. I, on the other hand, only missed 2. He asked me today, "Why couldn't you have missed more?" I replied, "Maybe because I actually studied." My teacher (who is pretty awesome) piped in and said "Why couldn't you have missed less?" See, I wasn't in a hurry to look up the answers from the packets we did. I had the answers in my head. You know?

I suppose he'll get what's coming at him eventually.

I'm just saying.